Saturday, December 14, 2013

You're hot then You're cold, You're yes then You're no

Hello again! Welcome to week two of my blog.  A lot happened this week. Probably the most significant thing was that I was really sick.  However I will tell more on that later.  

Now for the overview of significant events this week :

1. A  date at Dennys

Probably one of my favorite things this week was that on Monday Seth and I went shopping for Christmas tree decorations at the dollar store and big lots (tree topper) and then he took me on a date to Denny's in Provo.  I absolutely adore Denny's because it is a nice sit down restaurant with a value menu! Also I think that their hot chocolate is the best thing in the world.  It was really nice to have a date with Seth since he has been so busy that I haven't seen him a lot lately.  <3

2. Decorating the Christmas Tree! 
Although we put the tree up a while ago it was looking pretty sparse with only white lights on it.  Last year to save money I made a whole bunch of origami decorations to put up, but they must have gotten thrown away since we couldn't find them this year.  So... yay for the Dollar Tree!  And also Big Lots for the awesome star tree topper.  Here are some pics of Seth with our gorgeous tree:

Another cool part of Christmas decorating is that we were able to put out the Nativity set that my mother in law gave us for Christmas last year.  Seth's lighting designer alter ego took over and he even added tea lights to the scene :)

3. Sick

Unfortunately on Monday night I got ridiculously sick with the flu and stayed that way for the rest of the week.  It started with me vomiting up all of my Denny's, which I found absolutely devastating.  Then I got a fever.   This is where the title of the post comes in! I took tylenol to try to bring it down but it didn't really do much. I am not supposed to take a lot of advil because of my heart but I did finally take two pills of it the next day after I called my Mom crying that I needed her because I was sick. The advil worked (it always works darn it all!) and my wonderful Mother was shopping in Provo when I called and so she came to my rescue.  She brought gatorade and just let me lay my head on her lap while we sat on the couch.  

I don't care how old you are; when you are sick your mommy makes it better.

The silly flu was really bad for the next few days.  I didn't sleep hardly at all until I finally asked Seth to give me a blessing at 3 am on Thursday morning because I had to travel to Salt Lake City for my 6 month heart doctor appointment that day. Luckily he was already awake because he was pulling an all-nighter for school (more later).

 I have a testimony of priesthood blessings because I fell asleep right after and woke up on time feeling really great!  I felt fine through the entire day until late that night when the fever came back.  I am so grateful that I was blessed with that reprieve so I could do the things that I needed.

4.  So cold the car won't start
Another aspect of this week is that it has been FREEZING!!  It was so cold on Tuesday morning that our car wouldn't start.  Seth had to call his Mom to give him a ride to work.  Luckily our landlord came by to pick up the combined rents, since we are the apartment managers, and he let us borrow a battery charger that plugs into the wall.  Seth threaded an extension cord through our (second story!) bathroom window and charged the battery for about an hour after which the car started again.  

On a related note Seth has decided to try using vinegar water on our windshield to try to ward off ice. He hasn't done it yet but when I know how it turns out I'll report in a future post.

5. Sarah's birthday present -- finally!!
 So Sarah's birthday present was delayed twice because of a really bad storm that was pretty much nationwide.  However on Wednesday she finally got it!!

Yep.  That is a Jack Skellington messenger backpack.   I video chatted with Sarah over skype as she opened the package.  She said she liked the bag, especially since it was nightmare before christmas (her favorite Disney movie).   Mom was even happier than Sarah about the gift, however.  I guess that Sarah's old backpack has pretty much bitten the dust and she has needed a new one.  I didn't know that when I got the bag ( I just thought that since Sar loves jack skellington the bag would be good)!

After she opened the gift I ended up helping Emma with her math homework using the screen sharing function on Skype (more later).

Once Emma and I were finished with math, Sarah spent an hour or so showing off her new 3DS.  She held the game console screen up to the webcam as she played which, in my opinion, takes a lot of skill!

I sure love her.

4. Remote math tutoring

Emma was struggling a little with her math this week and my Mom was getting pretty fed up with trying to help her because they are teaching a different method of solving the problems than the one Mom learned in school.  This made it so that even though they got the right answer it was marked wrong because they didn't get it the way the computer wanted her to. 

Technology to the rescue!  Emma and I were able to have two virtual tutoring sessions this week using Skype.  I shared my screen and then used my graphics tablet to write in Microsoft One Note.  Emma did all the work, I just asked her questions, usually "What should I write next?"    

I had so much fun doing math with Emma.  I love spending time working on something together!  I called back on my own on Thursday night to see if she wanted help because I enjoyed the Wednesday session so much.  I am kind of hoping Em might let me sit in on future homework sessions as well :)  Emma is a smart and fun girl!  

Here are some screenshots from the math marathons :

5. Seth pulls an all nighter

So Wednesday night was crazy for Seth.  He literally stayed up all night to finish school projects. I don't know how he functions. 

6. Train ride

Since Seth was giving a presentation when I needed to go to the train station on Thursday morning and he was running spotlights at work when I pulled into Provo that night, I ended up calling my little brother Joe to give me a ride.
I am so grateful that he was willing and able to make time to help me. Otherwise I would have had to walk and it was cold so that would have been awful!
Here are some pics from when he brought me home from the train at 6:30pm on Thursday.  The first two are so bad because my arms are too short to take good two person selfies!  For the good pic I finally had Joe hold the camera.  He is such a great brother!!!

Anyway the train to Salt Lake left at 11:50am and Joe gave me a ride to the station.  I love riding the train.  I feel like I am on an adventure every time, and I don’t have to worry about getting in accidents which relieves a lot of anxiety for me.  I took some pictures and even a video to document my train adventure.

One thing about the train is that I was surprised how crowded it was on the return trip to Provo!  I have never before been unable to find a seat right when I got on the Frontrunner, but this time was different.  I ended up holding on to a strap thingy and standing in the isle for two stops until enough people got off that I could get a seat.  I was happy to see that a lot of people were using the train; because that means fewer cars are smogging up the valley!

To get to Primary Childrens from Provo you take the frontrunner until Murray and then transfer to the Red Line University Trax.  Trax drops you off literally 50 feet from Primary’s front door. This is a lot closer than if you have to park in the parking structure and walk in. Did I mention there is no worry about finding a parking spot J To illustrate I have included a photo of the view from the University medical trax station.

7.  Heart Checkup
The hospital was fun.  I love my kid hospital.  I have been to adult hospitals for my heart and they are awful! Even when I am just going for a checkup I always end up feeling anxious and upset.  Primary Children’s is very different, however.  Everyone is smiling and nice, the walls and ceiling decorated with colorful artwork and there are fish, toys and xbox games in the waiting rooms.  Not to mention lollipops and crayons in the exam rooms! I have standing permission to use the crayons to decorate the paper that goes on the exam table because they have to throw it out after each patient anyway. How cool is that?  Here are some pics to show you what I mean:

I was very careful to wear one of the masks that the hospital puts in the lobby and to sanitize my hands before and after touching everything because I really don’t want already sick kids to get sicker because I went to my doctor’s appointment with the flu.  I thought about rescheduling, but it takes so long to get in to see Dr. Yutman (her schedule is packed!!) that I decided against it.  Oh well. **sigh**
Even so everything checked out great with my heart, although Dr. Yutman did prescribe a daily dose of baby asprin as a preventative measure because I did have a few isolated episodes of atrial flutter since my last visit. She also re-iterated the ban on caffeine and over the counter cold medicines. I told her about the fever and that the Tylenol wasn’t working. She understood but told me to be really careful in how much advil I was taking. All in all, however, I am doing great. Whew!

That is pretty much it.  I was sick again yesterday (Friday) and just slept so nothing much happened.  Seth was wonderful as usual and even did the grocery shopping by himself.  He bought me root beer which is my favorite soft drink since I can’t drink caffeine because of my heart!  Hopefully I will feel better this week, and it should be less stressful for Seth as well.

Until next time!


Whitney Ann

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Baby it's cold outside!

Welcome to the inaugural post of "Life by Crazy Whitney"!  I'm Crazy Whitney, and this is my life.

First of all, its cold outside!   With only 18 days until Christmas Provo is throwing itself into its role as a frozen wasteland, er... I mean winter wonderland.  This is what has to say on the subject: 

This is what it looks like outside my front door. 

All of you Moose-esque dyed in the wool Utahns are probably rolling your eyes and saying "Hey, that's nothing!  You should see it when it is negative five billion degrees! THEN it's cold outside." To the Moose herd I say this: that's all good for you, but I am not a Moose- I am a desert lizard mistakenly imported to ice-ville as a baby. And no, sticking this (albeit awesome) antler headband on me isn't going to change it!
  Here is the weather in my preferred Arizona desert environment:
  That is a 15 degree difference at 9 am and a 31 degree difference in the daily highs. So you'll have to excuse me for a moment while I go bask under my heat lamp.

Ok.  Enough about the weather.

I'll finish this post with a brief overview of  some of the highlights from this past week:

1- Christmas shopping with Mom!
Mom called me out of the blue earlier in the week wanting to know if I wanted to go Christmas shopping with her.  I, of course, said yes because I really miss her (and the rest of the family) but life has been so crazy that I haven't been able to visit them in Heber/ North Salt Lake for a really long time!

We went to two dollar stores to get the stuffing for gift baskets for widows in my parent's ward and then to TOYS R US and finally to... the mall!

At the mall we bought some things for my little sisters, and then my mom spoiled me rotten by buying me the first new- new clothes (usually Seth and I buy new clothes from the DI) that I have owned since I got married!  I know I am so spoiled, but when I got home the outfits made me so happy that I cried while putting them away.  I wore one of the outfits the next day.  Here is the picture I sent to Mom:

I have the best Mom in the world and I love her so much!

2. Seth Christmas theater+ last week of class= crazy sleep schedule. 

Seth is working two (soon to be three) Christmas shows right now: Christmas Around the World at BYU, and Liken's the First Christmas at the SCERA.  Monday he will join the lighting crew for The Nutcracker at the Covey Arts Center. As you can imagine, he is extremely busy!

Because I love you all so much I added links to where you can buy tickets underneath each picture. Also I really want people to support the theaters so Seth can continue to have a job:) Just sayin.

On top of all the work, it is Seth's last week of actual class before finals.   Basically that means he hasn't slept much!

I am extremely proud of him and grateful to be married to such a hard worker.  Seth is amazing!

Also, he found time to buy and wrap a gigantic present for me and then stow it under the tree!! I am very curious and excited to find out what it is. The tiny cd sized present sitting on top, mostly hidden by the tree branch, is mine to him so...

3. Sarah's Birthday!

My youngest sister Sarah turned ten!!  Wahoo!  I love her so much.  I got to talk on the phone with her for only a few moments because she had to go to the Ward Christmas party and do her part in the primary play but I did find out that Mom did a crazy "heavy heavy hangover" present drop on her head and that she got a red 3ds extra large with Pokemon X&Y.  Also she brought Capri Suns to class for her birthday treat.  My present for Sarah will hopefully arrive via mail in Heber on Monday! I don't want to spoil the surprise so I'll tell more about it in next Saturday's post :)

I don't have any recent pictures of Sarah, but here is one I took when we went to Disneyland this summer:

I love the glasses and the "oh yeah!?" jaw.  She is adorable, smart, kind, and funny. I LOVE YOU SARAH!!!

4. Finals Week
This week was final exams at Salt Lake Community College. Oddly it was a lot less stressful than last week for me.  I think it must be because there is no longer any catch- up work that I can do.  I only had three actual tests and the rest were projects. Two of the tests were for macro and micro economics and were open book so that was nice.  The only really stressful one was accounting and now it is all over! YES.  I am so relieved to be finished with my 21 credit semester.  It was brutal and I am not going to attempt it again. I am thinking 15 credits max for Spring.

5. Deep Cleaning the Bedroom

Part of the problem with taking 21 credits was that I never had time to really deep clean my house. I surface cleaned but did not get in there and purge the drawers and then wipe everything down clean. So, as soon as I finished my last exam I launched a cleaning crusade.  It will probably take me weeks!  Still, I purged wiped down, and then organized the bedroom this week. I am pleased with the results.  I am especially proud of the updated desk area.  It should make next semester a lot less cramped!

6. Creating an storefront
While cleaning everything out I discovered that I have a ton of leftover book inventory from my failed business venture last year!  I decided to try to make some extra cash and sell it on  I doubt I'll make more than $400, which is the limit you can make before the income becomes taxable and you have to declare yourself as a business.  Also I intend to try out my new ninja accounting skills in an actual business situation and have been playing around in excel for several hours prior to writing this post :)

I called my storefront Whitney's Bookshelf.  Here is the logo:

Here is the actual physical bookshelf that has all of my inventory, office and shipping supplies on it :)

Notice the awesome purple tape?  It says "For Whitney school/ moneymaking schemes only. Do not put anything else on these shelves please!"

If you are curious you can visit my storefront on amazon at  It is pretty sparse right now, since I am still working on sorting through and then  listing all of the books that I have for sale.

7.  Last but not least - Korean Dramas.
I'm addicted to Korean soap operas.  Yes, they are cheesy.  Yes, I do have to read the subtitles because ,no, I don't speak Korean.  But I love them anyway!  I feel like they are a cross between a tv show and a book. As a reward for finishing a semester I got on and watched the entire series of "Her Legend".

Bonus: Disney's Frozen!
So this happened two weeks ago, but I am so excited about it that I'm going to include it anyway.  Seth got us in for free to a midnight screening of Frozen at the SCERA!! I am lucky that he is an employee of a place that has both a regular and movie theater.   I adored the movie and I want to see it again. It is definitiely one that I will need to own.  Also Disney animation just posted my favorite song/sequence from the film on youtube!  It is "Let it Go" which is sung by Queen Elsa in the movie and Idina Menzel (the original Elphaba from Wicked) in real life. You NEED to watch it:

If you haven't already GO SEE THE MOVIE!! It is worth it, I promise.

So that is pretty much it!  I am going to try to post once a week on Saturdays so I don't get too overwhelmed by this blog.   Lastly, dear reader, remember that there are only...